What would have been a more emblematic venue than this one... 'NEBOJ' means Do not worry! or Don't be afraid! There is a strong tendency in some European countries in our days that certain political forces are gaining influence by acting as defender while generating the fake vision of enemies and maintaining the fear. This kind of politics leave fingerprints on many levels of the everyday life, from children's education to the atmosphere of homes. In most of the cases fear comes from false or missing information. Fear from the unknown is working like poison. A significant part of the society is afraid of the migrants although they have never met a single one. My goal is to show the diversity of the migrant community in Europe with the example of Prague. I would like to encourage people from different cultures in Prague's migrant community to get to know each other Legal Alien in Prague is a growing community, which can serve as a great platform for communication in order to getting closer to each other. I'm closing this project's first season with more than 100 portraits and I feel grateful for the participation and support of every single model of mine. More to come from September! LUCA, ITALY, RECRUITERGÜLSEREN, TURKEY, ACTRESSEFFIE, GREECE, MOTHERIGGY, SOUTH AFRICA, FINANCE ASSOCIATEGIULIO, ITALY, MARKET ASSOCIATEGILLIAN, IRELAND, PROOFLEADERVICTORIA, BULGARIA, DIGITAL COMPOSITORMARS, ITALY, TAX ACCOUNTANTRAFAL, POLAND, VAT ACCOUNTANTANDRÁS, HUNGARY, BROADCASTERMARIE-CHARLOTTE, FRANCE, HR ADMINISTRATORBRITTANY, USA, DIGITAL MARKETING SPECIALISTBRUNA, BRASIL, QUALITY AUDITORDAISY, USA, BUSINESS DEVELOPERMAI-BRIT, ESTONIA, MASTER'S STUDENTPHILIPP, GERMANY, FB MANAGERLINA, BULGARIA, BUSINESS ANALYST
LEgal alien in Prague
March 2019
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