I think this shooting day at Lennon Wall was the funniest one so far. It was really challenging sometimes to take tourist free pictures but finally we managed with everybody. Aaand we had some sunshine and almost spring temperature. Thanks for your time and your patience, I hope you had a good time too. Next shooting is coming in a couple of weeks, stay tuned :) MO, USAJULIA, SWEDENEL-MAN, AZERBAIJANJULIE, SOUTH AFRICACHERIE & ANGEL, USA KAROLINA, POLANDCLAIRE, UNITED KINGDOMPAUL, USAIRINA, MOLDOVAMR. SPARTAN, CANADAVIKTÓRIA, HUNGARYDAVID, ENGLANDSUSAN, USALÉONOR, BELGIUMSTELA, BULGARIAARIEL, ISRAELYULIYA, UKRAINE
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I chose Lennon Wall as venue for our next shooting day on 17th of March.
Thanks for those who already signed up, registration is still open at https://doodle.com/poll/p9z2754hch7g99fq As you can see in galleries I had more women models so far so men are more than welcome this time :) You can read interesting facts about Lennon Wall here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennon_Wall You ask me about my motivation for this project.
Well, first of all I'm an alien too in this city, I'm from Budapest, Hungary. Although I love this city, the atmosphere of freedom, the multiculturality, and thats why we have chosen this place with my family as our new home...yes, I also need to face sometimes all the other aspects of the expat life. I also feel sometimes that I am invisible. I also whish to visit my auntie on a Sunday afternoon. I also would like to invite my best friend for a coffee when I'am really upset and would need to talk to her. I also would like to celebrate all the birthdays with my family. I also miss to run into friends at the supermarket. With all these common experiences we all live kind of similar lifes here. We are kind of similar. My goal with this project is to show that foreigners are not a faceless crowd at any point of the earth but people with different roots but with same emotions and hopes. Fortunately many people know it but there are always some people who need this message. So I keep on going and looking forward to meeting as many of you as it is possible. After closing our 4th shooting day I have already more than 50 portraits and I'm so grateful for your support. My goal is to collect at least 200 portraits till this summer to paint a really colourful picture of our Alien Community in Prague. As you can see I had more women models so far so now I need men and also models from the 50+ generation. Please forward the information to your friends or feel free to share the link of the project. Next shooting days dates will be announced soon. PHILIPPA, UK, MANCHESTERVEIT, CAMBODIAPAOLA, ITALYCLAUDIA,JARA, UNITED STATES, MISSOURICARLA, ITALYSILVIA, SLOVAKIACAITLIN, UNITED STATESGARANCE, FRANCELEONIE, AUSTRALIAWILLIE, SOUTH AFRICANIDENE, SOUTH AFRICALAURA, CHICAGOISIS, MEXICOGABRIEL, MEXICOSHENDRA, SWITZERLANDBRITTNEY, CHICAGOOne of the coldest day of the season. 15 models. Red noses and big smiles. Thanks everybody for coming! KATE, GUATEMALAMIKELA, SLOVAKIACRISTINA, MOLDOVADANUT, ROMANIAMARIA SAMIRA, MEXICOELENA, MOLDOVASANIYA, INDIAN MIDDLE EASTERNRACHEL, UNITED STATESRISHI, UNITED STATESPOLINA, SIBERIAUCHITA, INDONESIAXHENI, ALBANIAMELISSA, UNITED STATESDANANG, VIETNAMSALLY, UNITED STATES |
LEgal alien in Prague
March 2019
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